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Pearls of nature

Voronezh Zoological Gardens

Voronezh Zoological Gardens (the former exonarium) was founded in summer 1995 in the Winter Gardens of Voronezh aircraft Bilding Corporation. Nowadays the exposition is three times bigger. Four halls -aquarial hall (its total volume is 22,000 litres), reptile and Amphibia hall, mammalia hall and the hall for birds - accomodate over 100 species of fish, 20 species of Amphibia, 32 species of reptiles and 14 species of mammals. Besides, recent times have seen the opening of a conservatory presenting a large collection of cactaceae, succulents and many other exotic plants, autotown, veterinary clinic, zoo shop.

March 1997 witnessed the foundation of the Children-s Public Organization of Young Naturalists on the basis of Zoological Gardens.

At present eight groups of Children are engaged in activities in several fields of biology:

ecological group;

aquarial group;

mammals group;

cactaceae grower`s group;


The Organization of Yong Naturalists numbers about 250 members, including the staff of Zoological Gardens. 5000 visitors from Voronezh and Voronezh region come here monthly. Excursions and instructors. Children-s are the by the specialists of Zoological Gardens, the teachers and students of Voronezh University (the faculty of biology and soils), researchers from Voronezh Biosphere Reserve. The exposition of plants and animals of Zoological Gardens gives the yeung naturalists the material for practical work. It is the young nuturalists who perform more and more functions of tending and feeding. For example they are fully responsible for the animals in vivarium.

The recently built exibitional gallery will house the fauna exibits of Voronezh region. Voronezh Zoological Gardens and the Children-s Organization established contacts with Moscow Zoo, Rostov Zoo, Tula Exotarium, Voronezh Biosphere and Novokhopersky Reserves.

The prospects for fur ther development include the building of a 20000 liters aquarium. (For sturgeon fish), a monhey-house (for 15 different species), the reconstruction of the hall for birds and a stable. Supporting by Voronezh TV, public organization "ENDEMIC", invalid children-s programme about animals and environment on Voronezh regional television. The main purpose of the Organization is to found the first in Russia Children-s Zoo on a basis of Voronezh Zoo-gical Gardens.

We search for varlous contacts with similar organizations in the other contries in the form of exchanging information, exchanging, animals, carring out voint projects: expeditions, exibitions, etc.

We also search for the sponsors support from different international funds and organizations.

Our zoo would like to get ostriches, camels and other exotic animals. There is an opportunity of an exchange of animals.

For example, there is a brown she-bear, age 2 years.

Address: 6a, Polina Osipenko St., Voronezh, Park of Airbuilders AO VASO, Russia

Elena Korosteleva Pictures
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