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Dating Advice

Are you ready for Marriage?

You think you are meet right women in you life , you fill inlove .It`s fills like she is everething you ever dreamed about in you life and you are thinking about ask her to Marry you !!!!
But how can you be sure?... Really sure, that you're making the right decision? Well, you can't!..Only time would tell you eas right or wrong , it`s a risks we taken in life .
But it`s dosn`t mean you must go blind to this decision! So I come up with a list of issues to help you with the big stap in your life. Read through them and see what you think.


  • You go to each other for advice, and you almost always come away feeling better about things.
  • You are supportive of each other's decisions, even when you don't agree with them.
  • You tell express to each other your hurt fillings, instead of holding a grudge.
  • You are generally able to resolve fights to your mutual satisfaction.
  • You both know that relationships take work, and you are willing to go the distance.
  • You respect, admire, listen to and like each other.
  • You share enough of the same interests and friends that you don't feel like you are always on your own.
  • You have similar spending/saving habits, or you've discussed how you'll each compromise to keep the peace.
  • You have the same attitude about paying bills or debt management.
  • You are aware of each other's total present debt.
  • You have discussed how you will merge your finances once you get married, and you are comfortable with the plan.
  • You have told each other about all your money and have no hidden nest eggs, "just in case."
  • You have similar definitions of a "comfortable" income, and similar or symbiotic income goals.


  • Your sexual needs are compatible, and you are both satisfied with your sex lives .
  • You are comfortable giving and taking sexual suggestions and requests.
  • Birth control is something you consider a joint responsibility, and you have openly discussed your options and preferences.
  • You use sex as a healthy and FUN expression of your LOVE, not as a way to gloss over problematic issues in your relationship, a weapon, or an easy way to solve disputes .
  • You've 'fessed up about your sexual past and had frank discussions about STDs and previous partners if you had any.

  • You generally get along with each other's families and if not, you've at least discussed to what extent they will play a role in your future family life.
  • You are willing and prepared to regard each other as your most important familial relationship after you get married.
  • You have similar religious beliefs or you have discussed how to incorporate religion into your future family.
  • You've talked about children -- how many you want, or if you want them at all.
  • If you have children from a previous marriage, he or she treats them with respect and kindness.
  • You've considered not only the future responsibility of caring for your partner, but also the possibility of caring for their parents or other family members.

If a majority of these statements are true about your relationship, you're in great shape ! But if the majority are "don't know" or "no way," your relationship needs more work before you're ready to tie the knot.

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