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Pearls of nature

Komsomolsky Nature Reserve

This peculiar territory of the Lower Priamurye has the only nature reserve where the flood-lands of the Amur River are under protection. The Komsomolsky Nature Reserve was founded in 1963, it is located in the central part of the Khabarovski region and presently covers the territory on the left bank of the river Amur, in the basin of its sizeable tributary, the river Gorin. The Reserve covers over 64 000 hectares and includes both river lowlands and mountain landscapes which prevail.

Forests cover about 80 % of the territory. The Zapovednik's landscapes have a transitory character between natural systems typical for mixed forest zones, and taiga. The plant cover includes three floristic types: Manchurian, Okhotsky and East-Siberian. The territorial disposition of communities is subject to height belts: cedar-broad-leaved and cedar forests in the lower and middle parts of mountain slopes, and fir-spruce forests on the upper reaches of mountain rivers, and on watersheds and slopes of northern orientation.

About five species of local flora are in the Russian Red Data Book: Japanese yew, caltrop, Cyprideum macranthon, Pagonia japonica, and Gastroida elata; there are also many species rare for Far Eastern flora. The Zapovednik has the most favorable conditions to conserve dark coniferous taiga. Musk deer and sable, elk and brown bear inhabit the reserve. . The northern limits of dispersion of many animals run through the Reserve. Among mammals there are wild boar, raccoon dog, Indian marten, Asiatic Black Bear, etc. Sometimes it is possible to observe the tiger.

About 200 bird species live in the Reserve, 16 of them are in the Read Data Book: erne, osprey, golden eagle, Oriental White Stork, Black Crane, black hazel grouse, mandarin duck, etc. Important birds migration routes cross the reserves' area, and a lot of waterfowl stop here during fall and spring migration periods.

Good spawning grounds of chum are located in the Basin of Gorin River, while 44 fish species inhabit the rivers, and 23 of them are endemic for this region. Scientists consider Gorin River Basin of great biological scientific importance, and they regularly come to the reserve for field research.

There are two forest eco-routes and a water route 40 kilometers long developed in the Reserve for eco-tourism. There are three more easy but exciting hiking routes for tourists. Two scientific centers and four cordons are ready to accept visitors. Usually, a tour starts with a visit to the eco-center and Nature Museum, and then tourists can choose one of the above mentioned routes.

Komsomolsky Nature Reserve presents a territory preserved from human activities. Sites and settlements of ancient indigenous Nanai people who considered their land sacred still remain here. For more information contact:
Komsomolsky Nature Reserve
Oleg M. Goloveshko, Director
E-mail: dup@nature.kms.ru
681019, Khabarovski region
Komsomolsk-na-Amure, Komsomolskoye shosse, 59
TEL. (272-72) 2-18-23

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