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What are a Russian woman's expectations in relationship?

Russian Bride Guide

In general all Russian women are looking for a trustful, reliable, healthy and respectful husband who lives a normal life under normal circumstances with an acceptable financial living standard to support a family under normal conditions. These women are not specific looking for rich men. They don't need 2 cars, a TV in every room, 2 boats, 2 houses and 5 times a year a holiday.

But they are also not looking for a man who likes to drink a lot or uses drugs now and then or don't have enough means to support a family or is just lazy, or being only a housekeeper after he finally married her. And they certainly are not looking for a one time adventure.

Maybe you ask yourself why Russian women sometimes write down these specific qualifications. For me this answer is very easy. If you meet some woman in your 'own' neighborhood, she will find out by herself how you are living, what kind of man you are, what kind of job, hobbies, interests you have, how you clean your house is and how you iron your shirts.

But for Russian women this is more difficult, she only can 'know' these things because you are 'writing' this to her. She actually cannot 'see' it by herself, she lives too far away for just a short visit (which for the US is impossible to do), to see e.g. how you decorated your house to get an impression of your life style. For this reason, Russian women will ask you many times about these things, and if not, you should tell her these things by yourself. These items are very important for her, because she needs to create the right or correct image of the man she intends to live with.

What features of a man attract a Russian woman?

It's not a secret that all people are different, especially men and women. And it's not news that they are looking for different things in life. But one thing that is clear is that everyone looks for Love, Respect, Understanding and a good relationship.

Generally, Russian women are not swayed be a man's age or looks, provided that he is a genuine, decent person who will be a gentle husband to her and a good father to their children. Certainly all of these points are very important for every Russian woman. They are very hard-working themselves and appreciate a reliable, trustworthy man who will do his best to provide a regular income for their home and family. It's common for them to marry men 10-15 years older than themselves since age to them means maturity, stability and security. For a younger woman, an older man is a guarantee of well-being.

Are Russian women interested in your financial situation?
I believe, since every person thinks about the future, the answer is "yes." BUT perhaps their understanding of a good financial situation is different from from Western people's. I say to you precisely that their requests are completely different compared with foreign people's in general. It's very important for her to know that her future husband has a stable secure job for the family and for everything necessary for life. Your kindness and the wealth of your soul outweighs what will be in your "bank account". For certain you can be scammed by a Russian woman and who is interesting in your "real bank account" and your level of life: by what is your income, what kind of car you have, your house, and so on. But remember, if you will be more careful and will follow some common-sense advice, you will be able to meet the right person.

A Russian woman thinks about future children, so she wants to be near with a responsible man and in a safe and secure place to raise children. She cares about a good upbringing, so she thinks that a father should be a good example for a child. A Russian woman is looking for someone who can and will protect her and will care about her and family.

A man should have education, because most Russian men have high education in her country. The majority of Russian women are educated and have a university or college degree, so they also want to have an educated man near with her who was a similar background. For her, "educated" means at least a college degree.

Every woman dreams to be happy all of her life and to have good family full of love, respect, understanding and warmth. Who doesn't want such a life? Every person dreams of finding a right partner and to be with him or her a lifetime. No one wants to be alone and have stress from separating and divorcing, not just to save ourselves from a broken family and painful feelings, but to protect and take care of our children's lives as well.

What character does a Russian woman have?

Russian women are well-educated, family-oriented, beautiful, clever. They are less concerned with material wealth and more determined to be good wives and mothers. A woman, even if she is a top lawyer or doctor, would prefer a happy and stable family life to the pursuit of her own career. They have traditional family values. They want to be married for all life. All this is true, but do not forget that there are exceptions to these general attributes of a Russian woman, so you should be very careful in your choice.

Russian women possess beauty, tenderness, and spirituality that are appreciated all over the world, but the unstable economical situation in their country doesn't provide them confidence in their future. But it doesn't mean that they are looking for wealth. We'd like to say that Russian women haven't enough of an idea of what a rich life is, therefore it will be enough for them to expect for their necessary things to be provided for. The most important thing for them to see in a man and future partner is not money nor a mountain of gold, but rather a genuine, honest, and sincere man.

Here is a description of a Russian woman's traits in more detail:

  1. Russian women generally have a high level of education:
    In general, Russian people pay a lot of attention to their education. A high percentage of Russian people have high education. They are smart and intelligent. Among Russian women, 85 out of 100 of them will have high education (University degrees or a significant amount of University courses). If you pay attention to what kind of women advertise in Russian marriage agencies then you can see this yourself. Almost every Russian woman has high education and graduated from a college or university. They read a lot of books and pay a lot of attention to studying and receiving a good education.

  2. Russian Women are family-oriented, they are good wives and good caretakers of the family:
    Women in Russia can make a very good career, become a leader, get her own business and at the same time she wants to have happy and stable family life. Good stable family is their first wish and priority. In Russian society's eyes, a Russian woman should be married with children in order to have respectable social status. Russian women try to create a comfortable home and please their husbands in every way. She doesn't want to live her life alone (a life without a family). More than anything she wants with all her heart to be good wife for her husband and good mother for her children. Nothing is more important for her than the well-being of her family. She will be happy and successful only if everything is well and secure in her home.
    Russian women believe that it is the responsibility of a woman to provide a warm and loving home, and that it is the man's responsibility to provide for this family financially. But I want to note that she will also prefer to help her husband in building his career and will be a good friend to him and give him good advice and support. A Russian woman will be happy to provide a second income for the family. She will feel uncomfortable if her income is larger than her husband's. She will try to help him succeed. Usually, men earn more money in the Russian family because a woman's goal is to help children in their school, or if the child is small, she concentrates on bringing up the child and to create comfort in the family. This is what she feels is her task and duty.
    If a Russian woman doesn't have a family but she has all of her other needs taken care of, then she usually will not be happy and satisfied. This is the reason why Russian women put such greatest importance on finding a good, right partner for her family life and marriage rather than on making their own career the highest priority.
    In general, Russian women are more tolerant, and grew up with this habit of being attached to family and to take care of one another. Russian families do seem to be more closely-connected and interdependent than those in the West, probably because it has been necessary for them to be.
    Every Russian woman wants to get married. She dreams about having a good family life and a stable relationship. In Russia, it's difficult to find a normal man, especially after a woman turns 25 years of age, so perhaps women feel in a hurry to get married.

  3. Russian women are beautiful and famous for their beauty:
    It's not a secret that Russian women pay a lot of attention to their appearance. Any woman can look beautiful if she cares to. Russian women in general care about themselves even if they don't have money. You may ask how is this possible? Yes, it is possible for Russian women. For example, she can make some clothes by her hands, she will exercise at home or outside to maintain a good physical appearance if she doesn't have the possibility to go to a gym. She will find different cosmetic recipes to make her skin better and so on: She will do whatever she needs to in order to look beautiful.

  4. Russian women have spiritual interests (in things other than material things).
    Do not think that Russian women are interested only in your money and the material things you can offer them. Your money or material possessions (a car, a house, a yacht and so on) are not important for her. Some women will not even ask you how many cars or what kind of car you have, or how big your house is. For example, when I was preparing to move to America, I didn't ask my fiance what kind of condition will we have once I arrived, because for me it was most important that he loves me and that I love him and we have trast in eash other . I knew he well do everything in order to provide save and comfortable life for our family and I knew he is hard working and responsible men it is the most important factors for me . I believe that when people have feelings for each other, understanding and so on, then they will have everything that they need and can then build their life together. It is possible to buy a house and new car together, but impossible to buy the Love,trast and health. It's even more interesting to create and achieve goals together. I know that not every Russian woman has such beliefs, but many of them do.
    Russian Women prefer to have a more spiritual life, to go out and experience cultural entertainment such as museums, galleries, parks, and concerts: They like art, are fond of visiting theatres and cinemas. They like different kinds of music, and in general, they want to share a lot spiritual things with you rather than material things. I'm speaking about the typical Russian women, because as you understand, there are also exceptions to the rules everywhere.

  5. Russian women are brave.
    This is true. Just imagine and think about this-- They are ready to leave their country, their relatives, friends, job, social status, language, culture and hundreds of important and tiny things that compose their world. As a Western man whose wife will be immigrating to be with him, your life will not change as much-- you will have the same friends, the same work, the same conditions of living, the same country and so on: Maybe now you'll smile and object to my remark and will tell me: "Ok, of course my Russian wife would have better conditions for living, in America or Germany, for example." I can say to you that the majority of women would not move if they could find a normal person for family life in their own country. Most women's intention and aim is not to move to such a country where there is a high standard of living. And she doesn't have thoughts such as: "Ok, America is a great country. All people are rich, so I'll also have big money with my future husband." NO, most of them are not thinking in this way. Russian woman are willing to find a really good person, the right match for them. They are willing to move to America or Holland to be with you not because they don't love Russia, Belarus, or Ukraine. I actually didn't meet that many women who were all that crazy about living in America. Maybe it is because this country is very far away from home. If you think that Russian women are all looking at America and thinking: "Great! I want to live in this country only for money and good conditions for living, and it doesn't matter who is near with me, what kind husband with me, old, poor or rich..." --then you will be mistaken.

What distinguishes a Russian woman from other women?

American and Russian women live in the same world and they actually do the same things: they eat, study, work, get married, bring up children...

So, why then thousands of American men have gone overseas to bring Russian women to America for marriage, if they have the same women in their own country?

A reasonable supposition occurs that there must be some differences between Russian women and the representatives of the fair sex living in a more prosperous country. And these very differences make some Americans cross the ocean and go to the opposite side of the globe.

The major opinion of western men is that Russian women are kinder, more caring and thrifty, they are good wives. American women, according to common to all men's opinion, are too materialistic, demanding and spoilt. Of course, it wouldn't be true to say that Russian women do not want or demand anything. They do, but their main demands are not about expensive entertainments or going to luxury vacation spots. What they want is having stability and security.

Having Russian wife means to have happy and calm life. The wife is a caring mother to children and tender keeper of home hearth, there's always home made food and order in the house. So, as many Western men say, marriage with Russian woman "works out".

Such attitude towards life is caused first of all by the way Russian girls are brought up. Besides the environment is one of the reasons-it brings about different way of human relations. There are no doubts, that if any of Russian girls were brought up in the West, she would absorb the western attitude towards life and marriage just the way American girls do. But those Russian girls, who were born and brought up in Russia, behave like their mothers do, securing in this way traditional characteristics of Slavic women.

Russian women are used to be in style every day and every moment. Of course, there are a lot of beautiful women in the West. But the distinguishing feature of Russians is their wish "to please". And this is also one of characteristics of upbringing. Any Russian girl will want to be for you as beautiful and perfect, as a Cover Girl- even if it's uncomfortable to walk in high heels, or make up requires some time.

There's a very low percentage of overweight women in Russia and there are several reasons for it. First of all, most of Russian women take care of their bodies-they whether go in for sports, or keep to a diet. Besides, they do not think of a convenient or fast food as of food at all and cook at home. They continue to do it even when they move to the West.

Another peculiarity in the upbringing is the attitude to a future husband. This is what you will call a "culture difference" and this is a key position, which causes the different approaches to the family life. If American woman is sure she is right, it won't take her a long time to act the way she wants, even if her husband doesn't like it. Western women, being brought up in a successful society, are too independent and self-sufficient. They know their rights, but first of all they know that they don't have to stand any inconveniences. The first question they ask themselves when there are any misunderstandings in their families is "Why should I?" On the contrary, Russian woman will never act proceeding from her own understanding of the correct behavior in this or that situation. To make compromises for Russian women is a way of living. It's natural for them to accept and respect the behavior of the husband. It doesn't mean she doesn't try to influence it. She only doesn't try to reject it, she tries to understand and accept it. She is always with her husband because she is a partner, not competitor.

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