What's the weather like today? - Kakaya segodnya pogoda?
Today it's hot - Segodnya zharko
Today it's warm - Segodnya teplo
Today it's cold - Segodnya kholodno
Today the weather is good - Segodnya khoroshaya pogoda
Today the weather is bad - Segodnya plokhaya pogoda
It's windy today - Segodnya vetreno
It' snowing - Idet sneg
It's raining - Idet dozhd'
It's cloudy - Pasmurno
It's damp - Syro
I got wet through - Ya promok naskvoz'
What's the temperature today? - Kakaya segodnya temperatura?
It's ten below zero - Minus desyat'
It's ten above zero - Plus desyat'
What's the preassure today? - Kakoye segodnya davleniye?
What's the humidity today? - Kakaya segodnya vlazhnost'?
Do you know the forecast for tomorrow? - Vy ne znayete prognoz pogody na zavtra?
Tomorrow the weather will be fine - Zavtra budet khoroshaya pogoda
Tomorrow it will be raining - Zavtra budet dozhd'
What's the hottest month in your country? - Kakoy samy zharky mesyats v vashey strane?
In Russia the hottest month is July, the coldest - February - V Rossii samy zharky mesyats iyul', samy kholodny - fevral'.