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About Russia

Nations of Russia

The Small Nations of North

The radical small peoples of the North living in territory of Khabarovsk Territory.
Nanais live in Nanaian, Komsomolsk, Amur regions of Khabarovsky Krai.
The Nanais concern to radical peoples of Priamurie, they have an ancient history and original culture. Traditionally they are engaged in fishing, hunt, collecting. The rivers, first of all Amur, and environmental taiga fed and dressed nanais, provided families with all necessary. Instruments of a hunt were an bow) with arrows, spear, various self-inflicted wounds, loops, grids on fine fur fly into a rage. Guns on a hunt began to be used only in the beginning of XX century.
The Ulchis live in the neighbourhood with nanais in the down current of Amur. The Ulchis name themselves nani, that in translation means " people of the ground ". For a long time the Ulcnis are engaged in hunt, fishery, dog breeding; for clothes and footwear they used fish leather. Women sewed wedding dressing gownes from the fish leather, embroidered the refined ornaments. The dressing gownes skilfully made of the fish leather, embroidered colourful carpets, pottles make pride of traditional Ulchi's culture.
Negidals live in a lower reaches of the Amguni and Amur rivers in territory of areas of named after polina Osipenko and Ulchsky.
Evenks occupy uppers of the rivers Amgun, the right inflow of Amur, Bureya, and also a valley of the rivers running into Okhotskoe sea to the north from a mouth of Amur.
Orochis live at coast of Tatar strait in area of city Soviet Harbour. The majority of them is settled on the river Tumnin, in villages Novoe Ommi, Gurskoe.
Udeghes live on slopes of Sikhote-Alinsky ridge. The well-known traveller and the researcher of the Far East V.K.Arseniev called Udeghes as " wood people ". The most significant settlements of Udeghes in Khabarovsky krai is the village Gvasyugi, in Primorsky Krai are the villages Agzu, Krasnyi Yar and Olon.
Nivkhs live along the Amur estuary and on island of Sakhalins.

Traditional forms of religion of Priamurie peoples were closely connected to their trade culture. The basis of them was made with representations about the fauna, very closely connected to the person.


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