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Johnny and Svetlana Love story

Johnny's Story:
I signed up for the 17 July 2002 Kiev tour because I thought it would be interesting to visit parts of the former Soviet Union ( I am a former U.S. Army Officer) and I was impressed with the professionalism of the people in your Phoenix office. Right after signing-up for the tour (April 2002), I found Sveta's profile on your web site very interesting. I was atrracted to her photograph and the straight forward manner in which she addressed her intentions. I wrote to her and she wrote back. We agreed to meet when I visited Kiev that summer. We met within an hour of my arrival in Kiev and were together for each of the next 11 days. During this time I proposed marriage and asked her to come to the USA. She agreed and we started the paperwork to get a Visa for Sveta and her son as soon as I arrived back in the states. We received the Visa in December and Sveta and Misha arrived in New York on 22 December. We were married on 31 December and have spent four happy months together. Thank you for all your help. I have nothing but praise for the AFA staff and Phoenix. You have given Sveta, Misha and I the opportunity to start a whole new life together.

Sveta's Story:
I wanted to meet a man of my dream. I wanted to create a family, find happiness of family. I haven’t met such man in my country and decided to addressed to AFA agency. In a couple of weeks I got a letter from Johnny from USA. He wrote that he got interest in me. When we started writing to each other, I already knew that I liked him. He was very attentive. We met last July when he came over to Kiev with AFA tour. I understood right a way that this is a person I was looking for all my life. He was kind, attentive, interested and he was interesting for me. We had a great time in Kiev and Odessa where we went to have rest. Everyday we spent together and were enjoying ourselves. And despite the fact that I didn’t know the language we understood each other very well. At those wonderful days Johnny proposed me. And I’ve agreed. It’s been 4 months since I came over to USA. Now I know for sure that love doesn’t have language or distances. I fell in love with this man once and for ever.

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About Russia

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Russian language

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Dating Tips

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Russian Women

About Russian Women ]   [ Why Russian women want a foreign husband ]   [ Why Russian women join dating agencies ]   [ What are a Russian woman's expectations in relationship? ]   [ What features of a man attract a Russian woman? ]   [ International Dating Service... Why ??? ]   [ What distinguishes a Russian woman from other women?  ]   [ Russian woman character ]   [ Are the women only looking for rich men?  ]   [ How important are looks?  ]   [ THE FIANCEE VISA PROCESS  ]   [ A look at International Romance from both sides ]   [ How to help her get used to life in the USA.  ]   [ 10 Ways How Avoid Rssian women dating Fraud and Scam  ]   [ Risks and Responsibilities  ]   [ Meaning of Flowers ]  

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