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 Øêîëå    // At School
 Íà Âå÷åðèíêå   // At the Party
 Â Êèíî   // At the Movies
 Â òîðãîâîì öåíòðå   // At the Mall

At the Mall
Debbie and Alicia are out shopping.

Dialogue inslang Translation of dialogue in standard English
Oh, brother! Get a load of that number she's wearing. I wouldn't be caught dead in that. What a scream!
Oh, wow! Just look at that outfit she's wearing. I would never wear that. How funny!
I forgot you always get a kick out of trashing everyone in the mall. I think that's the only reason you drag me here.
I forgot you always enjoy criticizing everyone in the mall. I think that's the only reason you force me to come here.
Okay, okay, I'll behave. Let's go hit the stores but I can only window shop’cause I'm broke... unless you let me sponge a few bucks off you.
Okay, okay, I'll behave. Let's go into the stores, but I can only browse because I don't have any money... unless you let me borrow a few dollars from you.
Sure, what do I care? I'm rolling in it!
Sure, what do I care? I'm rich!
Great, then let's shop till we drop!
Great, then let's shop until we're exhausted!
Gee, look at the blouse in that window. It's drop-dead gorgeous! I've got to have it. Holy cow! 200 bucks? Talk about a rip-off! Like I'm really going to fork out that kind of dough for a blouse.
Well, look at the blouse in that window. It's really gorgeous! I've got to have it. Wow! 200 dollars? That sure is thievery! It's absurd to think that I'm really going to spend that kind of money for a blouse.
Hold it down! Let's just get going. This joint's a little too rich for my blood.
Don't talk so loud! Let's just leave. This place is a little too expensive.
That really bugs me. That thing had my name on it. Come on, I want to go drown my sorrows in a vat of ice cream.
That really upsets me. That thing was perfectly suited to me. Come on, I want to go cheer up by eating a vat of ice cream.
Now you're talkin'!
That's a good idea!


I can't afford that. I'm broke. broke exp. destitute.
I'm stone/flat broke. ALSO (1): stone/flat broke exp. completely destitute.
ALSO (2): busted adj. (variation of “broke “) destitute.
The poor man is really down and out. SYNONYM: down and out exp.
Oh, brother! How could she wear that? “Brother!” exclam. (said in contempt).
Come on! How could she wear that? SYNONYM: “Come on!” exclam.
Can you lend me five bucks? buck n. dollar.
That really bugs me! bug (to) v. to annoy.
He really burns me up! SYNONYM: to burn one up exp.
I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that hat. caught dead (not to be) exp. not to want to be seen in a certain condition.
How much dough have you got? dough n. money.
I had to drag him to the party. drag someone somewhere (to) exp. to bring someone somewhere against his/her will.
She's drop-dead gorgeous. drop-dead gorgeous exp. very beautiful.
She's a knock-out. SYNONYM: a knock-out exp.
Let's go drown our sorrows. drown one's sorrows (to) exp. to cheer one up (usually by drinking).
How much money did you have to fork out to buy that car? fork out (to) exp. to pay.
I had to cough up $100 for my car repair. SYNONYM: to cough up exp.
Gee, I wonder how he did that! “Gee!” exclam. (exclamation of surprise or wonder, a euphemism for “Jesus”).
Wow, I wonder how he did that! SYNONYM: “Wow!” exclam.
I get a kick out of your sister. get a kick (to) exp. to enjoy very much.
I get a charge out of going to the beach. SYNONYM: to get a charge exp.
Let's get going. get going (to) exp. to leave.
Let's split. SYNONYM: to split exp.
That shirt has my name on it. have one's name on something (to) exp. to be perfectly suited to someone.
That dress fits me to a T. SYNONYM: to fit to a T exp.
Let's go hit the stores. hit the stores (to) exp. to enter the stores.
Hold it down when you go to the library. hold it down (to) exp. to be quiet.
Pipe down! SYNONYM: to pipe down exp.
Holy cow! That was unbelievable! “Holy cowl” exclam. (exclamation of astonishment).
Holy Toledo! That was unbelievable! SYNONYM: “Holy Toledo!exp.
This is a nice joint. joint n. 
1. place (in general).
2. a marijuana cigarette.
This is a nice spot. SYNONYM: spot n.
Get a load of that beautiful house! load (to get a) exp. to observe.
Check out that car! SYNONYM: to check out exp.
  “Now you're talkin'“ exp. “Now you're being sensible.”
SYNONYM: “I'm with you” exp.
1. What do you think of the new number I just bought?
2. She's quite a number!
number exp.
1. Outfit.
2. a very attractive person.
You were charged $400 for a pair of pants? What a rip-off! rip-off n. thievery.
You were charged $400 for a pair of pants. You were ripped off! ALSO: rip-off v. to cheat someone of money.
I'm not paying that much money for that! That's highway robbery! SYNONYM: highway robbery exp.
You have a beautiful house! You must be rolling in it! rolling in it exp. rich.
She has money to burn. SYNONYM: to have money to burn exp.
That movie was a scream! scream (to be a) exp. to be hilarious.
Your mother's a real hoot. SYNONYM: to be a hoot exp.
Let's shop till we drop! shop till one drops (to) exp. to shop until one has no more energy left.
He always sponges off me. sponge off someone (to) exp. to borrow money from someone.
He hit me up for $200. SYNONYM: to hit someone up exp. to ask to borrow money from someone.
Talk about a funny movie!
Talk about an idiot!
“Talk about a(n)...exclam. “That was a real...”
This restaurant is too rich for my blood. too rich for my blood exp. expensive.
That's very pricey. SYNONYM: pricey adj.
1. I didn't come here to have you trash me!
2. My brother borrowed my car and trashed it
trash someone (to) exp.
1. to criticize someone unmercifully.
2. to destroy something.
His mother raked him over the coals. SYNONYM: to rake someone over the coals exp.
Since I don't have any money, I can only window-shop. Window-shop (to) exp. to look in store windows without making any purchases.

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