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 Øêîëå    // At School
 Íà Âå÷åðèíêå   // At the Party
 Â Êèíî   // At the Movies
 Â òîðãîâîì öåíòðå   // At the Mall

At the Party
Bob and David arrive at Stephanie’s party.

Dialogue in slang Translation of dialogue in standard English
I thought this was supposed to be a big bash!
I thought this was supposed to be a big party!
Oh, it will be. Stephanie said it’s gonna be huge. We’re just early, that’s all. So, what do ya think of her house?
Oh, it will be. Stephanie said it’s going to be huge. We’re just early, that’s all. So, what do you think of her house?
This place is really cool. Stephanie’s old man must be loaded. Hey, look! There’s that Donna chick. Man, can she strut her stuff! Don’t ya think she’s a turn on?
This house is really nice. Stephanie’s father must be rich. Hey, look! There’s that girl, Donna! Let me tell you, she’s a real show-off! Don’t you think she’s sexy?
No way! Have you lost it? She may have a great bod, but as for her face, we’re talkin’ butt ugly. Get real! Come on, let’s go scarf out on some chow before it’s gone.
Absolutely not! Are you crazy? She may have a great body, but as for her face, it’s really ugly. Be rational! Come along with me, let’s go eat some food before it’s gone.
What is this stuff?
What is this unidentifiable substance?
Beats me. Looks like something beige. Just go for it.
I don’t know. It looks like something beige. Just be courageous.
Yuck! Make me heave! Hey, dude... this party’s a drag. I dunno about you, but I’m makin’ a bee line for the door. I’m history!
How unpleasant! This makes me sick! Hey, friend... this party is a bore. I don’t know about you, but I’m heading directly for the door. I’m leaving!


Great bash!
I’m throwing a big bash for my parents.
bash n. party.
Tonight, we’re throwing a big shindig at my house. SYNONYM: shindig n. This term originally referred to a raucous party in which men would begin fighting and kicking, digging each other in the shin with the toe of their boots. It is now used in jest to indicate a large, noisy, and fun party which may or may not have dancing.
  “Beats me!” exp. “I don’t know!”
“How old do ya think she is?” “Ya got me!” SYNONYM: “Ya got me!” exp.
As soon as I get home, I’m makin’ a bee line fer the bathroom. bee line for (to make a) exp. to go quickly and directly to.
bod n. body Look at that hot bod!
He’s butt ugly! butt ugly (to be) exp. to be extremely ugly.
He’s really hot lookin’! ANTONYM: to be hot looking exp. to be very good looking and sexy.
  chick n. girl.
Look at that broad over there! SYNONYM: broad n.
  ANTONYM: See dude.
Great chow! chow n. food
SYNONYM: grub n.
1. It’s time to leave. C’mon.
2. C’mon! We’re gonna be late.
3. She got married after knowing him for only a week? C’mon!
4. C’mon. Everything’s gonna be fine.
“Come on” [pronounced and commonly seen in print as “c’mon “] 
1. “Let’s go” exp.
2. “Hurry!” exclam.
3. “You’re kidding!” exclam.
4. “Be optimistic”.
1. My vacation was really cool.
2. Your house is really cool.
3. Your mom’s really cool.
You c’n talk freely in fronna my mom. She’s cool.
4. What you did for her was really cool.
cool adj. 
1. (for an event) pleasurable, enjoyable.
2. (for an object) appealing, terrific.
3. (for a person) nice, “one of us”.
4. Upstanding.
ANTONYM: uncool (to be) adj.
  drag (to be a) n. to be a bore.
This party’s the pits SYNONYM: to be the pits exp.
This party’s rad! ANTONYM: to be rad adj.
  dude n. man, in general.
SYNONYM: guy n.
When is she gonna get real and find a job? get real (to) exp. to be serious, to become realistic.
Get a life! SYNONYM: to get a life exp.
Don’t worry and just go for it! go for it (to) exp. to be courageous and do something.
  heave (to) v. to vomit profusely.
I’m gonna throw my guts up if I eat that SYNONYM: to throw one’s guts up exp.
  ANTONYM: to dry heave exp. to go through the motions of vomiting without regurgitating.
1. It’s already 1:00? I’m history!
2. He cheated me again! I swear, that friend’s history!
3. You wrecked your dad’s car? You’re history!
history (to be) exp. to leave, to no longer exist (in a location, in one’s estimation, in life) 
1. (in a location)
2. (in one’s estimation).
3. (in life).
I’m outta here! SYNONYM: to be outta here exp.
1. I didn’t know he was loaded.
2. That guy s really loaded.
loaded (to be) adj. 
1. to be rich.
2. to be drunk (or on drugs).
If he doesn’t stop it, I’m gonna lose it. lose it (to) exp. 
1. to throw up 2. to go crazy
“Man!” exclam. “Wow!” SYNONYM: “Boy!” exclam.
“No way!” exclam. “Absolutely not!” ALSO: No way, Jose! exp. SEE: Street Talk Il - Rhyming Slang.
old man exp. (disrespectful) 1. father 2. boyfriend’ 3. husband.
ANTONYM: old lady exp. (derogatory) 1. mother 2. girlfriend 3. wife.
Welcome to our place! place n. home.
SYNONYM: pad n.
  scarf out (to) exp. to eat a lot.
I feel sick because I pigged out on pie today SYNONYM (1): to pig out exp.
We’re really gonna pork out tonight. SYNONYM (2): to pork out exp.
  strut one’s staff (to) exp. to show off one’s body.
She lets it all hang out. SYNONYM: to let it all hang out exp. to wear skimpy clothing in order to show off one’s body.
How can you expect me to eat this stuff?
Look at all this great stuff!
Don’t touch that! That’s my stuff!
Can you believe the stuff he did to me?
She actually believed that stuff he told her.
stuff n. 
1. junk.
2. merchandise in general.
3. possessions.
4. actions (of a person).
5. nonsense.
  turn on (to be a) exp. (said of someone or something) to be sexually exciting.
He turns me on. ALSO: to turn on exp. to excite sexually.
She’s weird! We’re talkin’, from another planet! “We’re talkin’... exp. “I mean...”
  “Yuck!” exclam. used to signify great displeasure.
Ew! What is this stuff? SYNONYM: Ew! Exclam.

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